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Mem.Med – Memoria Mediterranea

Mem.Med – Memoria Mediterranea is an association established in 2023 that is mainly active in Sicily, Sardinia and Tunisia – monitors and denounces deaths and disappearances caused by the border regime in the Mediterranean Sea. In particular, it provides legal and psycho-social support to families seeking truth and justice, supporting them in the search and identification of missing or dead people in border areas (Mediterranean Sea, CPR, Hotspots, etc.).

Together with the mothers, sisters, family members of the victims and communities they belong to that are part of Mem.Med, the association is committed to building a critical memory of what happens on both sides of the Mediterranean that will be a tool to counter structural discrimination and systemic racism that restrict freedom of movement and normalize border deaths.

Reports and Documents:

Memorie delle vittime del regime di frontiera

Primo rapporto sulle attività di Mem.Med (2022)

Rapporto sulla strage di Cutro (2023)

Video-testimonianze Strage di Cutro (2023)

Rapporto sulla strage di Roccella Jonica (2024)

Rapporto “Violenze, resistenze e memorie tra le due rive del Mediterraneo” (2024)